Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Green Lantern: Hero's Quest" by Dennis O'Neil

Starts stronger that it ends. -- 3 Stars (Originally written July 19, 2005)

I particularly enjoyed the first half of this book. Even though it was almost a "novelization" of Kyle Rayner's GL origins, it was still cool to join Kyle in his discovery of the power ring's abilities, and all of the potential therein. Telling the story in first person POV helped the reader share the experience.

BUT ... once the main part of the story got going, sadly, I lost a little interest. It sort of became "just another super hero novel," just interesting enough to finish, but not standing out in any particular way. I also bought "Superman: The Never-Ending Battle" at the same time. We'll see how they compare.

One other point of confusion: It has been a while since I have read the "Green Lantern" comic books, but I always understood that the power rings required a great deal of "Willpower" to operate. I understand that Kyle Rayner is supposed to HAVE this willpower, and so qualifies to possess it, but I still thought that making the ring create, like, a giant hand would have taken a little ... oomph! on the part of the ring wearer. It was confusing, and another letdown, that the ring seemed so EASY for Kyle to operate. Maybe DC has changed this rule over the years, and if so, it caught me off guard. Sorry, but this change/inconsistency alone prompts me to knock it down another Star rating.

But, overall, it was an enjoyable read, and I don't regret buying it. Flawed, but worth the time.

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